Business Hours
Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm
Closed Public Holidays
Store Address
Shop 6/828 Old Cleveland Rd. Carina (Brisbane) Qld. 4152
Phone Number - 07 3843 3581
You must be 18 years old or over to purchase from our store. War Sword and all of its associated parties comply with all rules and regulations associated with State and Federal Laws. By purchasing from this store, you are confirming that you will also do this. If you are unsure, please confirm prior to purchasing, the rules and regulations in your State for owning products in our range.
Most Australian states do not require a permit for our products however in Victoria, approval will be required.
For all Victorian purchases, we will require a copy of your approval/license and your current drivers license. This can be emailed to us at info@warsword.com.au for completion of your purchase. Any further enquiries can be clarified by contacting the Licensing Services Branch of Victoria Police on 1300 651 645 or by emailing them at licensingregulation@police.vic.gov.au for further information.
We do not ship outside of Australia.