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The Hobbit Inspired Orcrist Sword of Thorin Oakenshield
The Lord of the Rings Inspired Knife of the Strider Aragorn with Scabbard
The Lord of the Rings Inspired Sword of Theoden LOTR
The Lord of the Rings Inspired Sword of Boromir LOTR
The Lord of the Rings Inspired Knives of Legolas Replica LOTR with Scabbard
The Lord of the Rings Inspired Knives of Legolas Replica LOTR
The Lord of the Rings Inspired Hadhafang Sword of Arwen Replica LOTR w/Scabbard
The Lord of the Rings Inspired Hadhafang Sword of Arwen Replica LOTR
The Lord of the Rings Inspired Sting Sword of Frodo Replica LOTR
The Lord of the Rings Inspired Anduril Sword with Scabbard Replica LOTR Lo
The Lord of the Rings Inspired Strider's Ranger Sword with Scabbard LOTR
The Lord of the Rings Inspired Anduril Sword of the King Replica LOTR Long Sword
The Lord of the Rings Inspired Gandalf's Sword Glamdring LOTR Long Sword
The Lord of the Rings Inspired Strider's Ranger Sword LOTR Hand & Half Sword
Masonic Illuminati Miniature Sword Dagger Knife Letter Opener
Masonic Illuminati Miniature Sword Dagger Knife Letter Opener V2
Medieval Crusader Knights Hospitaller Miniature Sword Dagger Knife Letter Opener
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Geralt of Rivia Serpentine Silver Sword